What would Regina Spektor say?

More nubaganda from the Conservative Party. All their nubbery and youtube videos sort of make you think that they’re a kind of forward thinking bunch. But we probably shouldn’t be fooled. This super super super interesting piece in the FT by the director of Conservative Intelligence outlines the findings of a survey of Conservative Candidates in the 220 most winable seats. It shows they’re could turn out to be much more generally conservative and eurosceptic than Cameron will find comfortable. Maybe somebody in the Labour Party should nub it up, in a ‘vote david, get maggie’ kind of way.

The backing track for this totally sounds like Regina Spektor – they should have asked her. Spektor is so cool – on the basis of this interview she doesn’t seem like she’d be that happy about her vibe being used by big beastly politicians without her consent.

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